It sounds
easy enough--understand a system before you develop it and make sure it has the same
meaning after it is developed. But, this is near to impossible, if not impossible, with a
traditional approach.
001 is based on the Development Before the
Fact (DBTF) preventative approach. With 001, such goals are able to be realized because it
has the aspects, such as the following, as part of its environment (see Comparison
figure): |
Formal but
friendly language |
With the
use of 001's formal, but friendly systems language, USL, all models are defined and
developed as system oriented objects (SOOs). Every system is an object. Every object is a
A SOO is a formal model that is understood
the same way without ambiguity by all other objects within its environment--including all
users, other models and automated tools. Each SOO can be made up of other
SOOs. Every aspect of a SOO is integrated (not the least of which is the integration of
its object oriented parts with its function oriented parts). The philosophy which supports
the theory that to integrate all the objects in a system you need be able to integrate all
aspects of each object in the system is strongly adhered to.
The language ensures that all systems defined
with it will have all of its objects under control. This means for example, that an object
(which could itself be a set of objects) by its very existence maximizes the potential for
its own inherent and recursive reuse, traceability, reliability (errors not allowed in
before the fact), architecture independence, capitalizing on parallelism, flexibility to
change (models can be "un-plug-in-able" and "plug-in-able"), inherent
integration, automation and evolution. These and other properties that support a system's
development inherently "come along for the ride" with every SOO.
With such a language there is no need to
distinguish between types of applications; we can therefore naturally integrate all
aspects of a model or system throughout all of its phases of development: function
oriented with object oriented, GUI with application, software to hardware to peopleware,
target application to testing, phase to phase, and change to change.
With the use of this language, models
(including requirements, tests, targets) are evolvable systems. By their very nature
systems defined with this language have built-in quality, built-in productivity and
built-in control. |
interface errors |
75% or more errors in a traditional system are interface errors, what would have been
interface errors no longer exist in a 001 system. In a traditional system, most errors are
found after implementation, either manually or by dynamic test runs; some of these errors
are never found. In a 001 system, all interface errors are "found"; either
inherently or by static and automatic means (with the Analyzer) before implementation. All
objects are under control and traceable. |
language for all phases and all viewpoints |
The same
language is used for defining any part of a system at any phase of development, whether it
be requirements, testing or design. |
language for all systems |
With 001
AXES, everything is a system. The same language can be used to define a software system,
hardware system, enterprise model, testing system, or any other system.
The same language can be used to define all
model types within a system's environment be they requirements, process models, test
cases, test scenarios including use cases, design and detailed design. |
reusable |
The means
for capturing inherent and recursive reuse is provided by the formal definition mechanisms
within USL. Not only does 001 have properties in its definitions to find, create and
use commonality from the very beginning of the life cycle, it also has the ability to
ensure commonality just by using its language. This means that the modeler does not have
to work at making something become object oriented. Rather he models the objects and their
relationships, and the functions and their relationships; and the language inherently
integrates these aspects as well as takes care of making those things that should become
objects become objects.
Object oriented-like features such as
polymorphism, encapsulation, inheritance persistence formally reside both on the function
side as well as the object side of a system where the functional side is defined in terms
of the object side and vice versa, providing the ability to trace within and between
levels and layers of a system.
001's preventative philosophy, to solve a
given problem as early as possible, means finding a problem statically is better than
finding it dynamically. Preventing it by the way a system is defined is even better.
Better, faster, cheaper, yet, is not having to define (and build) it at all. |
seamless design and development environment |
001 is an
integrated, design and development environment; a system design can be seamlessly
integrated to software. Requirements can be traced to design, code, test cases, or to
other requirements and back again using RT(x), the requirements traceability component.
Since all systems are SOOs, all parts of a 001 system are inherently integrated.
There is no longer an additional expense for
integrating diverse products for developing different parts of a system, phases of the
system, or for integrating the modules or views (e.g., use cases, data flow, timing, state
transition and object types) of a module created with or resulting from these disparate
The interface between all of 001's components
is seamless since they are all part of one DBTF system which is 001, itself. |
specifications |
can serve as an executable specification language. A definition has information in it for
its simulator, the Xecutor, to understand its behavior and dynamically analyze it for
things such as risk, timing and cost; and a higher layer operating system to execute it.
For software that same definition can be used as input to 001's automatic code generator.
The result is a rapid prototype for a system designer or a production ready system for a
software developer. That which is simulated by 001's simulator can be integrated with that
which is automatically generated by 001's generator to a very fine or loosely grained
level. |
metrics for predictive systems |
definition can have additional information about it and its relationships provided by the
user. This information, together with its formal definition, is used for gathering metrics
about the system and its development, providing a mechanism to trace from requirements to
code and back again, ensuring that the implemented system meets the requirements. The 001
generator can use this information to generate reports on the progress or state of the
development of the current target system and its relation to the original requirements. |
automatic code generation |
Resource Allocation Tool (RAT) automatically generates complete, integrated, fully
production ready code for any kind of software system whether it be GUI, database,
communications, real time, distributed, client server, multi-user or mathematical
algorithms. Instead of automatically supporting the user to do the work manually as is the
case with traditional environments, 001 does the real work and generates a complete
software solution. And even when a more traditional tool automatically does some real
work, it needs to be finished and/or integrated with other code, manually. With the use of
001's RAT, no manual work is required to finish the coding.
The generator is accessible to a 001 user to
tailor it for his own brand of generated code, if needed. This generator can be used to
provide output information that can be used as input by other tools or as output for
testing (such as showing all of the decision points in the system). This feature can also
be used as another means of rapid prototyping for systems design studies.
Once 001's code is generated, it is
automatically compiled and linked and executed. |
architecture |
001 can be
configured to interface to a system at all levels, e.g., to a language, communications
package, to the internet, database package or operating system of choice. Once 001's
generator is configured for a new environment, 001 will automatically regenerate the new
system to reside on that environment. This open architecture approach provides more
flexibility to the user when changing requirements or architectures; or moving from an
older technology to a newer one. |
performed at the blueprint level |
SOOs are
defined to handle changes both during development and operation. There is more
flexibility; yet less unpredictability than with traditional systems. All maintenance
changes are made at the specification level, whether it be for simulation or for software
code. Unlike before, a change in the application is made to the model or specification, not
to the code; a change is made to the architecture configuration of the component which
generates one of a possible set of implementations from the model, not to the code.
With traditional products, after the shell
code or partial code has been generated, it is necessary for programmers to add or change
code manually; as more code is written, it becomes less possible to regenerate the shell
or partial code from changes in the requirements, because the manual code would be
destroyed or made obsolete; the maintenance process using traditional products becomes
increasingly manual as the software evolves. With 001, the user doesn't ever need to
change the code, only the specification, and then regenerates (automatically) only that
part of the system that has changed. Once again the system is automatically compiled,
linked and executed without manual intervention. |
environment tightly integrated with the development of an application |
001's GUI
environment is tightly integrated with the development of any of its applications. 001
provides GUI support while preserving traceability, interface integrity and control
seamlessly between the GUI part of the application and the other parts of the application.
Its automatic data driven interface generator supports rapid program evolution. |
testing |
constraint tests that validate correct object manipulation and construction as well as
unit test harnesses for testing each object and its relationships are automatically
generated by 001. An automatic user interface is provided with 001's object editor for
populating and manipulating complex objects, including storage and retrieval for
persistent objects. This provides the ability to test the target system at any input
output interface with predefined object test data sets. Unlike with 001, this part of the
process is a manual one for traditional environments. |
documentation |
documentation environment is tightly integrated with the definition of the system. In fact
documentation can be automatically generated from a 001 definition by 001's RAT, wrapping
in the user's own comments should it be desirable to do so; that same definition can
itself become part of that same generated document. Documentation from the various model
viewpoints of a system can be collected and integrated into the documentation of the
system. This means for example that a resulting document could also include descriptions
of the requirements, the testing, developer's issues and developer's decisions made about
a system. |
mock up environment |
001 can be
used to present a system before the fact to end users as a rapid and evolving prototype
starting with a skeleton show and tell or mock up of what is to come. 001 enables design
and modeling of any concept that humans can envision. It could be for example the target
system, the testing system (including the operational model), a model of the development
process for building target systems, a model of the end user's enterprise or the
enterprise of the developer organization itself. |
001 was
completely defined and generated with itself. |
This means
that one of the systems developed with 001 is 001 itself. Over 8 million lines of code
have been generated by the tool suite to generate its 4 major versions. This means, that
"001 is not just a product at HTI to sell, but one we use ourselves in exactly every
way we have our customers use it". |
number one when put to the test |
001 has been entered into a competition (including those sponsored by Carnegie Mellon,
IBM, Digital, MIT, NASA, the Navy, Mitre, DoD, Lockheed Martin, McDonnell Douglas and
Citibank) with the task of designing and developing a real application from the beginning
to the end, 001 has always been the only one to finish the job within the required time.
The productivity in getting the job done, both in time to market and cost to deliver, as
well as the quality of the generated system is always much higher with 001 than with
traditional methods of development. |