All USL models are defined and developed as
system oriented objects (SOOs). A SOO is understood the same
way without ambiguity by all other objects within its
environment-including all users, models and automated tools.
Each SOO is made up of other SOOs. Every aspect of a SOO is
integrated not the least of which is the integration of its
object oriented parts with its function oriented and its
timing oriented parts. The philosophy which supports the
theory that to integrate all the objects in a system you need
be able to integrate all aspects of each object in the system
is strongly adhered to.
Instead of systems being object-oriented,
objects are systems-oriented. The means for capturing
inherent and recursive reuse is provided by the formal
definition mechanisms within 001/USL. Not only does it have
properties in its definitions to support the designer in
finding, creating and using commonality from the very
beginning of a system's life cycle; commonality is ensured
simply by using this language. This means the modeler does
not have to work at making something become object oriented.
Rather he models the objects and their relationships, and the
functions and their relationships; and the language
inherently integrates these aspects as well as takes care of
making those things that should become objects become
Every SOO is a candidate to be a reusable-and it
is inherently integratable-within the same system, within
other systems and within all of these systems as they evolve.
This is because every object is a system and every system is
an object.
USL provides the necessary information in
its definitions for an automated environment to know whether
a system should be allocated to distributed, asynchronous or
synchronous processors; or whether two processors or ten
processors should selected. With traditional methods, it is
up to the developer to incorporate such detail into his
application. For any change in the architecture, it is
necessary for the developer to then redesign and redevelop
his applications that are impacted by that change. With DBTF,
this is not necessary, since this process is inherent and
DBTF users are not tied to any particular
process model for development when building an application
(eXtreme Programming, spiral development, waterfall
development, etc.) other than that which is implied by the
USL language.
With DBTF the same language semantics is used
throughout a life cycle to define all aspects of a system
including its requirements, system design and software design
models; enterprise, hardware and software models; functional,
timing (e.g., scheduling) and object oriented parts of each
model. Models are defined and designed with USL; and
simulated (to understand a system's real time distributed
behavior), developed (to show a generated software
implementation), tested and maintained with 001.
Once USL is used to capture the essence of
DBTF in defining a system, complete software implementations
(100% of the code) are automatically generated by 001 in a
developer's language of choice (such as Java, C or C++).
Although the current commercial versions of 001 are hosted on
UNIX and Linux, other environments can be cross targeted with
001 from the host to the target architecture (for example,
web applications developed using 001 on Linux but generated
by 001 to reside under NT).
Because it is based on DBTF, 001 is able to
automatically generate all of (and any kind of) software
system from a set of USL defined requirements,
specifications or design--for any configured architecture.
This is in fact how the 001 Tool Suite itself was developed.
That is, it is defined with itself and it automatically
(re)generates itself as an ongoing evolving system on many
diverse architectures.
Since all the components within 001 are
inherently integrated as part of the same DBTF system (Figure
1 contains a simplified USL object type definition of the
tool suite's architecture), no additional time and effort is
needed for integrating diverse products for developing
different parts of a system, phases of the system, or for
integrating the modules or views (e.g., use cases, data flow,
timing, state transition and object types) of a module
created with or resulting from these disparate products. If
one component is used for, say, definition and another for
analysis and still another for generating code, there will
not be interface mismatches between these components of the
tool suite. Similarly, there are no interface mismatches
between the components of the applications developed with the
tool suite-and, no interface mismatches between each
component's states of development.

Figure 1: The 001 Tool Suite Architecture Defined with
Vertically, there are two model spaces in
Definition space: the static specification of
the system under development. Every model is defined in terms
of Function Maps (FMaps) to capture time characteristics and
Type Maps (TMaps) to capture space characteristics, which
guide a designer in thinking through his concepts at all
levels of system design (Figure 2). TMaps are used for
defining types of objects and the relationships between those
objects, FMaps are used for defining things done with the
objects, in the TMap (i.e., for defining functions and state
transitions; including timing, ordering and priorities).
FMaps and TMaps are inherently integrated. In 001, FMaps
exist either as FMap operations or as FMap structures (user
configurable FMaps); TMaps exist simply as TMaps or TMap
structures (user configurable TMaps, called parameterized
Figure 2: Definition/Execution Space of USL Defined Systems
Execution space: the realization of the
definition space, reflecting the run-time performance of the
system. This space is realized in terms of Execution Maps
(EMaps, instantiations of FMaps) and Object Maps (OMaps,
instantiations of TMaps, see Figure 2).
All USL maps (sometimes referred to as
control maps) are defined in terms of formal structures of
control (control of input access, output access, input
values, output values, error detection, invocation, timing
and priorities). Features such as polymorphism,
encapsulation, inheritance, and persistence formally reside
both on the function side as well as the object side of a
system; where the functional side is defined in terms of the
object side and vice versa, providing the ability to
automatically trace within and between levels and layers of a
Components within 001
One set of components within the tool suite,
001Developer, is used by a developer or designer to work with
the definition space of a system; another set, 001Engineer,
is used by the system designer to understand a system's
execution space.
USL can be thought of as operating in two
distinct modes within the 001 environment:
Executable specification: USL can serve as
an executable specification language. In this mode, a USL
definition can serve as input to 001's simulator component
(the Xecutor configured for simulation) for dynamic analysis
during the design phase; or it can be layered onto 001's
DXecutor (when the Xecutor is configured as a stand-alone
distributed object manager) for distributed system
Automatic code generation: a 001/USL definition
serves as input to the code generator for purposes of
prototyping or production software development. This feature
facilitates the automatic programming of language
independent, platform independent software
001Engineer contains components for systems
design (system engineering, process modeling, enterprise
modeling). It consists primarily of the requirements
traceability component, RT(x), for analyzing and tracing
requirements, and a simulator component (Xecutor in
simulation mode) that simulates a USL model.
001Developer contains components used by both
system designers and software developers. It consists
primarily of graphical editing capabilities for defining
models (Definition Editors), an Analyzer component that
checks models for consistency and logical completeness, a
generator component (RAT) that automatically generates
executable code or documentation from USL models, the
OMap Editor for viewing and testing objects and a set of
reusable building blocks.
In addition to other reusables supplied by
001Developer, the designer starts with a tool kit or
foundation of primitive types and a set of existing types in
the form of universal and core types. The designer also has
the option of defining and building his own types as well as
other types of reusables with 001.
In addition to the components within the 001
Tool Suite, other 001 developed components are available to
support 001 users. An example of such a component is a
product called WebJumpStarter, a "middleware" reusable for
jump starting 001 developed web based applications. The
example in this paper uses 001 along with the WebJumpStarter
in its development process.
With 001, the developer doesn't ever need to
change the code. SOOs are defined to handle changes both
during development and operation, providing for more
flexibility, yet less unpredictability than with traditional
systems. Application changes are made to the
specification-not to the code (whether it be for simulation
or for software). Changes to the architecture of the
application are made to the configuration of the generator
environment (which generates one of a possible set of
implementations from the model)-not to the code. Once a
change has been made to either the specification or the
architecture configuration only that part of the system that
has been changed is regenerated and integrated with the rest
of the application (again, automatically). The system is then
automatically generated, compiled, linked and executed
without manual intervention.
DBTF's preventative philosophy, to solve a
problem as early as possible, means finding that problem,
statically (before implementing it) is better than finding it
dynamically at testing time. Preventing it by the way that
system is defined is even better. Better, faster, cheaper;
better yet, is not having to define the system (and build and
test) it at all. This is the philosophy adhered to in
designing systems and developing software with 001.