Articles |
Gutenberg Keynote
Keynote given in Gutenberg in May 2018 at the International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE 2018) that celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Software Engineering
IEEE Computer Magazine Editors' Introdution 1.1 MB)
IEEE Computer, Dec. 2008
Universal Systems Language: Lessons Learned From Apollo (1.4 MB)
IEEE Computer, Dec. 2008
Universal Systems Language for Preventative Systems Engineering (424 KB)
Proc. 5th Ann. Conf. Systems Eng. Res. (CSER), Stevens Institute of Technology, Mar. 2007, paper #36
A Formal Universal Systems Semantics for SysML (840 KB)
17th Annual International Symposium, INCOSE 2007,
San Diego, CA, June 2007
Inside Development Before The Fact (7.9 M)
Cover Story, Editorial Supplement, 8ES-24ES, Electronic Design, April 1994
(HTML version)
001: A Full Life Cycle Systems Engineering and
Software Development Environment Development Before The Fact In Action (7.5 M)
Cover Story, Special Editorial Supplement, 22ES-30ES, Electronic Design, June 1994
(HTML version)
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